Well what a year!

A year of smiles, fun, moving..and painting studios (twice!), learning, making new friends.

It’s been such a wonderful year, despite the set back to my little fledgling business with having to move.  We really have made the best of what could have been a rubbish situation.  I’m so grateful to my lovely clients for their ongoing support and patience through what was a challenging time! You really are the BEST!

One of the best parts for me has got to be watching my babies grow and develop…it’s so lovely to help their families document those important milestones of their first year, from the curly newborn right through to the toddling one year old with a face full of cake, with all those lovely stages in-between.  The second best bit has got to be the satisfaction handing over a beautiful piece of wall art to a proud Mummy, knowing that it will bring smiles for many years to come….in fact as all of my art products are archival quality they will still be around in 100 years!

As well as my gorgeous newborn and milestone babies, I’ve met some truly lovely children and families and helped to freeze a moment in time and give them something truly priceless, something tangible to keep those memories alive on their walls and the walls of their Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles…not many people can say that they have brought such happiness to people they have never met.

2016 was also a year of learning.  In between the lifting and shifting, the painting and of course the photography I’ve been so lucky to have trained with some amazing photographers who really are at the top of the field both here in the UK and worldwide.  I’ve increased my knowledge and improved my skills, always striving to give my clients the best I possibly can.


Phew, it’s been a blast!  Let’s raise a glass to 2017…onwards and upwards!