A few weeks ago I set up a special wee Facebook group for new and expectant Mums, Pregnancy & Birth Support Helensburgh & Lomond – Together in Isolation.
I set up the group as I know first hand how difficult and isolating those first weeks with a new baby can be. Even in “normal” circumstances you can feel alone and have all sorts of anxieties of whether you’re “doing everything right” From speaking to my clients who were booked in for a newborn photoshoot it became very apparent that all of those feelings are compounded several times over during the current lockdown. No meeting a friend for coffee, no Mum and Baby groups and less frequent visits from your healthcare practitioners, along with being alone in the house with hours upon hours with our thoughts. It’s only natural that our anxiety may be higher…even without the fear of contracting Corona Virus.
The group has proven invaluable for several Mums, we have pregnant and new Mums from Helensburgh, Balloch, Alexandria and Cardross.
Although many “lurk”, a question never goes unanswered and support is always there when needed. As well as input from myself as a qualified and experienced Nursery Nurse (and Mum of 3) we have other local experts on hand including Brenda our Sleep Consultant, Rohana a local Doula and qualified yoga teacher and Rachel a Health Visitor and infant massage instructor. And if we don’t know the answer….one of us will know someone who does! Of course we are not looking to take the place of solid medical advice and we always refer on where appropriate, but more often than not peer support and someone saying you’re ok, you’re not alone is all that’s needed.
We also have the occasional LIVE in the group, so far Brenda, our sleep consultant, has spoken to us on Safe Sleep, Rohana our Doula has done some guided relaxation…and I’m up next with help on getting better photos of your newborn at home using your mobile phone or your own camera. I feel quite sad that so many parents are going to miss out on having their usual newborn photography sessions so as well as offering this I have prepared a guide to help parents get the best out of taking their own photos at home, You can download your own copy of the PDF guide here.
So if you’re pregnant or you’re at home with your new baby, come and join us, the kettle’s always on!
And when things are back to normal, who knows I may just throw a party for all our “Lockdown Babies”.