My “Portraits from the Pavement” project.
What a piece of history we are living through right now, we really are in unprecedented times
One of the lovely things to come out of the current covid-19 crisis is the overwhelming sense of community, something that we rarely see in Britain. A new understanding of what life feels like everyday for those isolated due to chronic illness or old age. I just hope that when we beat this thing that our new “normal” will be one where we continue to value our NHS and anyone in society who helps us, but that we also continue to reach out that helping hand to those who have always needed it…but were left unnoticed.
For the past weeks I have been continuing to work from home, building the new website, getting accounts up to date etc…all the things that I never get round to when I have portraits and weddings to shoot. The studio that I have put my heart and soul into for the past 4 years sits empty except for my visits here and there to photograph products for local businesses, to check on things and potter about.
I have, however, felt pretty helpless, unable to continue in my role as a volunteer photographer for Remember my Baby as our service is suspended, I’ve been looking at other ways I can “give back”. Although I know one end of the sewing machine from the other, I’m nowhere near skilled enough to be sewing scrubs (unless you want them to fall apart) I’ve bought and donated face visors to the Helensburgh Medical Centre along with some goodies to hopefully keep their spirits up. I’m doing my best to support pregnant and new mums who are having their babies in this very different time and I’ve made resources for those new mums and families with young children. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s not much is it?

Across the world photographers have been offering “doorstep portraits”, photographing families on their own doorsteps, documenting this time in history when we are confined to our homes for most, if not all, of our day.

After several weeks of deliberations of should I or shouldn’t I, and suggestions from a couple of friends I have checked with Argyll and Bute Trading Standards and have been given the go ahead. So I’ve decided that I can use my skills for good, whilst staying firmly within the current rules then I should go for it.
So from next week I will be taking my camera and long lens out with me on my daily walk and while on my way to and from the studio/supermarket. These are likely to only be available for one week as I will be recommencing paid outdoor location sessions from the 1st week in June providing we move into Phase 1 of the Scottish routemap.
If you live in Cardross, Helensburgh or Rhu and would like me to capture a “Pavement Portrait” of your family, please complete the form below and I will be in touch to let you know when I will be next passing by.
At the end of the project I plan to publish a blog and hopefully have a book printed of all the photos which will be donated to the local library to form part of the town’s history.
You will receive a free print and social media sized digital file as a thank you for your participation in this project.
A number of you have expressed a wish to make payment or a charity donation.
Whilst I am not taking payment for these photos, if you would like to make a donation to charity in lieu of payment, I will be happy to accept donations of food items for Helensburgh and Lomond Food Bank or monetary donations can be made direct to REMEMBER MY BABY.
Fancy a chalkboard keepsake of your time in lockdown. I can create these using your free Portrait from the Pavement or using one of your own photos. At just £5 they’re great to share on your social media or printed in a photo album or scrapbook. Great for your children to look back on in years to come.

Hello, I would like a portrait of my family before Nathan goes on a 8 month deployment xxx
Hi Rhian, if you could complete the request from I will add you to my list. It will be great to see you again. Louise x